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Donald Baechler

Walking figure


Where is she going, what is her goal? Is she looking for adventure, or does she have something to set straight? Although her determined look suggests that she is indeed on a real mission, she may just be a bit late for an appointment or simply enjoying her walk.

Welcome to the fascinating world of the American artist Donald Baechler, who was born in 1956. The painter and sculptor is associated with the neo-expressionism of the eighties and is known for his simple, iconic forms that have an almost primitive quality. The flat shape emphasises this simplicity and makes the figure instantly recognisable and iconic.

When standing in front of ‘Walking figure’, you’re struck by the young woman’s dynamic, humorous and quirky appearance. But what lies beneath the surface of this seemingly simple bronze statue? The artwork invites you to think about what movement and stillness represent, and to delve deeper into the meaning behind the woman’s seeming stillness.

No matter how you interpret the image and whatever the ‘Walking figure’s’ ultimate destination might be, the work serves as a playful reminder that art is as much about imagination and exploration as it is about form and structure.