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Tom Claassen



The big dog standing in front of you is a work by Tom Claassen, a Dutch artist who was born in 1964. Claassen is best known for his animal sculptures. On Paul Hufkade in IJburg stands an imposing hippopotamus and along the A6 near Almere, motorists are surprised by a group of five life-sized elephants.

Claassen once said about art in public spaces: “You try to make it accessible.” If people don’t understand it, you’ve missed your point and it’s not fun either. A little bit of kindness, that’s fine. The environment is therefore very important and I can’t help but make it fun too.

In response to the question of why animals are so often the subject of his work, the artist says, “They are appealing because they are recognisable.” As a result, people are going to look at it. But I always try to push them back at some point. I’m a people baiter. The figures try to charm you and once they have your attention, you’d better look closer. “At the material, at the form, at how they stand in the space.”

By simplifying and making the form generic, the essence of the object remains and Claassen quickly arrives at the most archetypal form. His sculptures are solid and robust but also approachable and accessible to a wide audience.

The main theme of Claassens’ work is the surface of the images, the skin. His work invites touching and is almost never on a pedestal. The same goes for this artwork ‘Hond’, which obediently waits outside the shopping centre for its owner.